The Office of Catholic Education and PA State requirements mandates that ALL school volunteers (chaperones for class trips, chaperones for dances, classroom volunteers, school event volunteers, CYO coaches and assistants, etc.) must be in full compliance with the Safe Environment Program requirements in order to work with school and CYO programs. We need parent volunteers for our many school functions throughout the school year. The following clearances must be completed in order for you to volunteer at St. Jerome. Upon completion, please return all documentation to the rectory.
Thank you for your help and cooperation in completing these requirements! We appreciate the time involved in these steps and look forward to seeing all of you at our school events. If you have any questions, please contact Roseann at the rectory 215-333-4461.
PA State Police Criminal Background Check: (renewal required every 5 years)
PA Child Abuse Clearance: (renewal required every 5 years) or
Safe Environment Class ”Protecting God’s Children”:
Attendance is required at one session of the Safe Environment class. You must pre-register for the class. Space is limited, so we recommend that you sign up as soon as possible. This class is offered frequently at different parishes around the Archdiocese. You only need to attend this class one time.
Please go to to sign up.
Mandated Reporter Training: completed online, click on “Training Institute”
Federal Criminal History Record (FBI Fingerprints): (renewal required every 5 years)
required for any volunteers who are a PA resident for less than 10 years